you have to write a .profile script - it will let you customize everything about your prompt and environment, unfortunately you are using tcsh and I don't know how to write that but here is mine for zsh:
Welcome to Darwin!
osx:hotani:/Users/hotani> more .zshrc
// this puts osx:username
wd in prompt
PS1='osx:%n:%/> '
// this is some alias stuff for ls
alias ls="ls -FA"
// this lets me use vi for my default editor
bindkey -v
// this is paths to all my bin directories...
path=(/bin /sbin /usr/local/apache/bin /usr/bin .)
I think for tcsh the file name is '.profile' and it goes in your home directory.
the syntax for tcsh is slightly different - but if you want to switch to zsh and use the above script type:
niutil -createprop / /users/username shell /bin/zsh
[Edited by hotani on 10-03-2000 at 10:02 AM]