How do I edit a bunch of MP3 files (not in iTunes)


Okay so here's my situation. I got an album that was just one mp3 file...i used mp3trimmer and split the files into the correct amt of tracks...but now all the files say "" or to that effect to every track. I want to edit the file name in the finder folder so that when I go to burn it, the file names will be there. I know in iTunes you can select a group of tracks and do apple-i and edit like that. Is there a way to do that out in the finder folder? Also, I tried using TriTag to import the track names and I can't quite get that to work. I just need an EASY way to edit 5 albums. I hope someone can help!
I use iTunes along with some AppleScripts to do this kind of thing. The particular script I usually use is this:
tell application "iTunes"
	repeat with track_num from 1 to the number of file track of the selection
		set the_file to the location of file track track_num of the selection
		set t to file track track_num of the selection
		set the_track to ""

		if (the artist of t) is not "" then set the_track to the_track & the artist of t & " - "
		set the_track to the_track & the name of t

		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
		set temp_list to every text item of the_track
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ";"
		set the_track to temp_list as string
		tell application "Finder"
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
			set the_ext to "." & text item (the number of text items of (the name of the_file as string)) of (the name of the_file as string)
			set the name of the_file to the_track & the_ext
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell
It will set the file names of every selected track to "artist - title.mp3" (where "artist" and "title", are, of course, the relevant data from the particular track). If you wanted to include the album name or track number, too, it just takes a little tweaking. For example, insert this line before or after the IF line to add the album name before or after the artist:
if (the album of t) is not "" then set the_track to the_track & the album of t & " - "

There are also general file renamers out there that would probably get the job done. I haven't used any myself, but you can take a look at a few at
thank you both for your replies! I'm not sure if the apple script would work as the files don't have the track names in them. I'm trying to find an easier way to enter a whole album's track names into the files.