How do I install World Book that came with my eMac?


Barking at the moon.
So I got 10.2 yesterday, backed my files up and did a clean install. However, instead of using the System Restore CDs, I simply installed 10.1.4 and then upgraded to 10.2.

Now I need the World Book encyclopedia that came with my eMac, but I can't find it anywhere! I put in the Applications CD which has everything BUT World Book. I put in the World Book CD that came with the Mac, but it's just a media CD with the movies for the app.

Anyone know how I can get this back? Thanks in advance!
It should be on one of the Software Restore CD's which came with your eMac. I believe you might have to restore ALL the software which came preloaded on the eMac but if you look through each CD you might find an installer just for
World Book.
Hope this helps.
