Yes, you can make any directory invisible.
If it is on the root level, the easiest solution is probably to add
dirname to the .hidden file that lists items on the root level of the boot volume (
/) to keep hidden from the Finder, then restart the Finder. Lanuch the and issue these commands
exactly as they appear below:
sudo -s
cp -p /.hidden /.hidden.default
echo 'dirname' >> /.hidden
kill -1 `ps auxc | grep Finder | awk '{print $2}'`
Alternately, if you have the Developer Tools installed, you can set the directory's invisbility bit:
/Developer/Tools/SetFile -a V /dirname
If it is a non-root level directory to be made invisible, the command would be along these lines:
/Developer/Tools/SetFile -a V /Volumes/drivename/dirname
This will "invisify" the named directory on the non-boot drive, making it invisible to the Finder.
Apart from the Developer's Tools, you would have to use another third-party application to make non-root level of boot volume items hidden:
(Yes, there is an English version.)