How Do I Mirror 10.1 HD onto Another Drive?

Disk Copy 6.4 has a clone function that will transfer everything from one disk to another. I use it to backup OSX. Only problem is it works only to a whole partition not folders but should be perfect for what you want to do.
I have OS 9.2.1 and OS X 10.1, but no Disk Copy 6.4...

The OS 9 Disk Copy seems to be 6.3.3 and the OS X one does not report a verison number.

Where can I get 6.4?
There is a copy in my public folder at apple i-tools.
My user name is ed010. If you haven't used i-tools open an account sign on and you will see directions for finding public folders.
I think I also saw it on carracho.
Originally posted by Ed010
Disk Copy 6.4 has a clone function that will transfer everything from one disk to another. I use it to backup OSX. Only problem is it works only to a whole partition not folders but should be perfect for what you want to do.
does this work with different size partitions? you could always be an uber-geek and do a dump partition1 | restore partition2 from the command line.. That won't transfer your boot blocks, but I've had good luck with the recent openfirmware recognizing startup volumes copied using ghetto-style..
The clone function doesn't create an image file. It copies bit for bit from one disk to another much like the old floppy disk pirate software from the 80's.
It doesn't care the size or structure of either source or target. Be aware however that it erases the target disk before copying.
Ed010, thanks for making Disk Copy 6.4 available. I've used it to CLONE 22GB of 9.2/10.1 files from a 48GB drive to an 80GB drive and back. It worked flawlessly. I did notice when running Disk Warrior on the just cloned target disk that the directory was quite fragmented. A quick pass with Disk Warrior cleaned up the directory nicely.

Where do you get copies of Disk Copy? I'd love to keep up with this utility as Apple adds features. Are there plans to put the CLONE capability in the OS X version?

Thanks for helping those of us that want to backup. This is a great solution for my situation. I work/live in 3 different locations and have a large external FireWire drive in each location. Now I can make an exact copy of my PowerBook's internal drive as I move from location to location for backup/disaster recovery.