How do I open a TCP Port


I want to open a TCP port on my OS X.1.4 Server so I can use Suitcase Server remotely. It requires that port 2903 be opened. Can anyone tell me where I can configure TCP ports in X Server? I know that netstat will show me which one are open. But I don't know how to open specific ports. My router is configured properly but the server is blocking that port.
Applications open ports to listen for connections. You don't open up ports for applications. Unless you're using the firewall functionality built into OS X, but it's not on by default, so you're most likely not. If the software on the remote end is trying to connect to your server, you have to have software listening on that port to respond, if you're trying to access the software on another server, it's an outgoing TCP connection, and the client opens up a connection to the remote port.

Can't I add a service in NetInfo Manager for the port I want to add? I tried that by copying the FTP info and modifying it to reflect the service I want (i.e., name=Suitcase Server, port=2903, protocol=TCP)