How do I set preferences in Darwin?


web developer
Hi, does anyone here know how to set preferences (e.g. network prefs) in Darwin/Terminal? I don't fully understand those .plist files, where ARE really the preferences? Where do I set the IP's, conection method etc?

I need to know it, and I need to know it FAST! ;) :D
Yeah? How do I use this stuff? :) When I open the .plist files in pico, only a bunch of useless stuff appears, where do I really set the prefs? :confused: :)
Someone may respond more quickly if you say what you want to do. what is your specific need? what do you want to do that cannot be done with settings in OS X?
Well, I need to know how to set network preferences in Darwin (without the OS X System Prefs app, of course)... :)