how do I transfer files between os9 and osx?


Mac User
Hi I have a beige G3 with os9 and 60 GB of files in its single partitioned hard drive. I need to transfer this files to an iMac g5 i I have not purchased yet, but, as I most certainly will, i need a quick solution for this.
if not I will have tu burn endless cds and some files are even larger than 700MB

thankyou all!
f_h_petrone said:
Hi I have a beige G3 with os9 and 60 GB of files in its single partitioned hard drive. I need to transfer this files to an iMac g5 i I have not purchased yet, but, as I most certainly will, i need a quick solution for this.
if not I will have tu burn endless cds and some files are even larger than 700MB

thankyou all!
When I bought my G5, I connected both computers to my Ethernet hub, enabled AppleTalk and Sharing, and copied the entire contents of my old hard disk to my new computer. You may also connect the two computers directly via Ethernet.
I presently own, besides my Beige G3 an iMac G3 with OSX installed. sadly, I could never connect them through ethernet and someone told me that this could never be done between osx and os9.
If what I read from you is correct, i have to imly that i did something wrong. could you direct me a bit more and tell me what to do in os9 and what to do on osx?
You can definitely connect OS 9 and OS X through Ethernet. I did a major backup of my old Power Mac 9600 (OS 9.1) to my Mac Mini (10.4) just last week. It was, however, a little tricky. It seems that OS X can't load OS 9's shared folders over AppleTalk (at least Tiger can't). However, it can mount them over IP, and OS 9 can access OS X's over AppleTalk just fine (go figure).

I find it easier to use OS 9 to mount my OS X drives than vice-versa, for the simple reason that OS 9 tends to crash a lot when you mount its drives on another machine (YMMV, of course). Here's what you need to do:

In OS X:
1. In System Preferences:Network, go to the built-in Ethernet options, and make AppleTalk active. Be sure to click the "Apply Now" button after checking the box.

2. In System Preferences:Sharing, enable Personal File Sharing. If you use OS X's firewall, go to the Firewall tab and choose to allow Personal File Sharing.

In OS 9:
1. Turn on AppleTalk. This can be done A) Through the control strip, or B) In the TCP/IP control panel (or is it the Internet control panel? I don't have an OS 9 system on hand atm, but it's something like that).

2. Open Network Browser (by default it's under the Apple menu; if not, just use Sherlock to find it). Your iMac should appear in the list (in may be buried under "AppleTalk" or "local network"). Double-click it, and log in using your OS X username and password. If you log in as an admin user, you'll be able to mount every volume from your OS X machine. If you log in as a non-admin user, you'll only get that user's home folder. Either way, you should be able to copy the files without a hitch.

I forget the exact instructions on doing it the reverse (mounting your OS 9 drive in OS X), although I did it just last week. If necessary, I can check again and write up instructions for you.
you see, Network browser freezed my mac as soon as i opened it...., but i managed to transfer something via tcp/ip, inventing some ip numbers.... but the archive ended in some hidden folder in one user account in the iMac's root drive and i couldn't see it but using sherlock.
on the os9 desktop by the way apopeared an icon shaped like a hard drive but with sort of a cable hanging from it..... :) that's where i dropped the archive. Inside thjis "drive" there were many folders "public", "music" shared" and 5 or 6 more.....

i'm sortta puzzled here