How do i uninstall applications in Tiger


i just bought a mac mini and just a beginner at this new OS. and i want to know how do i uninstall applications here.specifically toast 7.i've tried searching the forums but no luck. many thanks in advance.
it's not an exact science....

however: usually, go into your applications folder, find the program you want and put it in the trash. empty the trash. this is now uninstalled. all of the apps data was in that file, and trashing tells the computer to delete/remove everything else too, including preferences.

some programs may be pesky buggers though, in this case simply spotlight the name of the program, or software company, and just trash everything that seems to be associated with it. empty the trash. this is for exceptional circumstances though, just trashing the app will usually suffice 99% of the time.
Locate and trash, the 'Toast 7 Titanium' (or equivalent) folder, in either the '/Applications/' or '/Applications/Utilities/' folder.
If the 'Toast 7 Titanium' (or equivalent) folder is in neither suggested folder, select the 'Finder' 'File, Find...' menu item ('Command F'), or via 'Spotlight' ('Command <spacebar>'), and search for 'Toast'.

Locate and trash, the 'Roxio' folder, in the '/Library/Application Support/' folder.

Locate and trash, the 'CDSpinDoctor' folder, in the Users '~/Library/Application Support/' folder.

Locate and trash, the 'com.lqgraphics.motionpictures.plist', 'com.roxio.deepseasoftware.CDSpinDoctor.plist', 'com.Magic Mouse Productions.Discus.plist', and 'com.roxio.Toast.plist' files, in the Users '~/Library/Preferences/' folder.

The above actions remove 'Toast Titanium', its support files, and any related files to the applications 'CD Spin Doctor', 'Discus RE', and 'Motion Pictures HD' - provided with 'Toast'.
windows taints people like that. just because windows spreads files throughout the system and changing registries etc when it installs something, thus requiring some intensive uninstallation, doesn't mean it has to be that way.

usually, when a program installs on a mac, it puts all of the files, data and information in the application package in the applications folder (if you ctrl-click on an application in the Finder, and select Show Package Contents, it shows you that applications are really just folders, with all the information self contained), and then adds two ".plist" files in the library of the computer. these contain all the user-specific information, keeping most of the application read-only.

so, you have the app, self contained and practically read-only in one place, and the 2 files that aid integration and customisation in one other place.

if the program starts going a bit peculiar, you changed too many options etc or other modifications have made it act funny, you can just delete the '.plist' file that corresponds to it. it contained all the information of all the things that have been changed since installation, and the application will create a new, clean one if it can't find it. the program is now back to the point of first installion.

these 2 files (which follow the theme of '', 'com.macromedia.flash.plist' etc) are deleted when the app is trashed.
Lt: By moving apps to the trash, preference files are _not_ removed. You said so in your first post to this thread. Just wanted to clear that up.