Hi all How do you change the battery in a G4? jsn
diablojota Doctoral Student Jan 15, 2004 #2 Be more specific. What kind of G4 (desktop, TiBook, AlBook, iBook, etc.) If desktop, give model, since you would want to change the logic board battery.
Be more specific. What kind of G4 (desktop, TiBook, AlBook, iBook, etc.) If desktop, give model, since you would want to change the logic board battery.
ElDiabloConCaca U.S.D.A. Prime Jan 15, 2004 #3 http://search.info.apple.com/index.html?q=power mac g4 battery replace&lr=lang_en&search=Go The top three or four links on that page outline how to replace the internal battery in several different Power Macintosh G4 tower models. Just change the search string to "PowerBook G4 battery replace" if you have a PowerBook.
http://search.info.apple.com/index.html?q=power mac g4 battery replace&lr=lang_en&search=Go The top three or four links on that page outline how to replace the internal battery in several different Power Macintosh G4 tower models. Just change the search string to "PowerBook G4 battery replace" if you have a PowerBook.