How do u think about iPhone 6?


According to all the criteria, Apple will release a new iphone (iPhone 6) this September. How do u guys think about the new phone? Will u upgrade your iphone to the new one?
Absolutely! They just keep getting better, faster, clearer, & more functionality.

In my case (contract), I locked in $170 from Gazelle to sell it after I get the new phone for $199. $30 for 2 years use seems too good to be true. A no-brainer!
Same here! Great smart phone.
Only thing I don't like, but will get used to, is the off button on the side now, instead of the top. If in one hand, I squeeze it to turn off the phone, the volume buttons on the other side get pushed also.
Same here. It's been on top the whole time.

I got the iPhone 6. So far, love it. Especially the camera and slow-mo videos. :)
I prefer iPhone 6 Plus becaused of the larger discplay screen and the reasonable price. I might place an order this weekend.
This post is little old but let me share my experience about iPhone6 plus. I have a golden color iPhone6 plus. It has advanced features as compare with its earlier versions. As per its name, “Bigger than bigger” then yes; It is the same. Designed with big screen with better display and thinnest body. Hugely powerful with advanced sensors.