how do you change the file to app association


Were can I look to change the application associated when I double click on a file? Specifically my problem is, when I double click on a gzip or tar file a different app desides to unpack it and it fails. I want to switch it back to StuffIt Expander.

Actually, I spoke to soon. I downloaded a dmg.gz file, did a show info on it and the "Change Application..." button was dim. I'm able to open the specific document with the StuffIt Expander, but it doesn't save that as the generic application for this type. How do I get the 'Change Application' button to enable? I am an admin. I'm able to change the application associated with a .dmg file.

Thanks for your help,
You can have the Genius title back. Setting the file type and creator to "????" worked.

How does the file type and creator get set originally?

I couldn't see the file type and creator information on Show Info, should I have been? Maybe I did, but it was labeled differently.

Thanks for your help.
