How do you get content off AppleTV?

It's a long story, but the upshot is I trashed my iTunes library by mistake (90GB worth!). I have backups of my music, but there are a lot of podcasts and TV shows that I don't have backups of.

I have an AppleTV, however, which contains most of my library. I know you can do this with iPods, but is there any way -- other than removing the hard disk -- to get files off the AppleTV drive?

Any help appreciated! :)
You would have to hack your Apple TV. Check out on how to hack it and install ssh. You can then do various things like ssh into it and copy files from it. It's quite involved but there are good tutorials on how to do it. You want to look for how to create a patchstick which is something you connect to the AppleTV's USB port and it boots from the USB drive and runs some scripts to install programs.