how do you stop a song in iTunes?


does iTunes have a stop button? i cannot seem to find it. I always have to kill the app to stop a song..wierd!
umm, the play button/pause is the stop button. I use a customized M-Beat to control my iTunes, I made a Synergy skin for it.
C'mon <b> Logic Man </b> ...

Just use logic, man.

You can get a program called "Key X-Ing" that lets you assign the "F" keys certain functions in iTunes if you really wanna go all out. I hit F8 and iTunes pauses. Good stuff.
The play button actually pauses the song. The only way to stop a song, is go to a different playlist while the song is playing, and the play/pause button changes to a stop button. click it. no more playing. but why bother with stopping a song, why not just click the play button or hit space bar, and it will pause. essentially its the same thing.
Either click on a new playlist (or the radio tuner, or the Apple Music Store) while a song is playing, and the pause button changes to a stop button, or click on one of the above while a song is paused and the controls reset.
I guess I misunderstood the question, I mean it stops regardless, I was wondering what logic was talking about. So why do you need it to stop completely? Just out of curiosity.