How do you turn off the Trash sounds in OS X 10.3.9?

You could try moving the sound files from here to the Desktop;


In the Dock folder - 'dock to trash.aif

In the Finder folder -

empty trash.aif
move to trash.aif
System Preferences > Sound > Sound Effects > "Play user interface sound effects"

That's for Tiger, but it should be similar for Panther as well...
Hello bobw, Thanks for the info on the "drag to trash.aif"
I removed it and added my own sound.
My question is, the two .aif files in the finder folder, "empty trash &
move to trash" do not work. The sound files do have content but can't
be heard when used through the finder. Why ? Thanks for your help.
I tried with the 'empty trash.aif'. It opens it iTunes when moved to the Desktop and plays the sound.