How? How, how how? Part Two

Just to chime in one more time...

very many of the base photoshop plugins are based upon previously existed photographic/printmaking techniques. Most of them are designed to be accurate... not to be one-shot type stylers for web page heading graphics.

I may be being over pretentious... but in my experience base photoshop can be used to create more consistently sophisticated effects than a canned plugin... and at least in my experience... where having your work be identified as using this effect or that effect is NOT a good thing... you really try to limit what plugins you use so you can create more unique effects.

Fractal stuff is an exception to this... since you can't create fractals without a computer... it's a specific effect you're trying to create (where hand drawing a fractal just looks silly).

Then again... this is what I do... a more hobbyist approach being that if it works... use it... and who can argue with that?
just caught the reference to FraxFlame... it's actually just an implementation of a type of fractal called flame... anyone who's used ElectricSheep knows what they look like.

There are lots of links to free software... plugins for aftereffects (which MAY work with photoshop (6 or below)) and the original utilities used to create them (which I'm pretty sure someone's got to work under windows... but if not could probably compile fairly easily under macosx).

This might be more viable (*ahem* and ethical) than KPT.

Here is how it's REALLY done:

Aliens in UFOs practicing Black Magic.

I know, I saw them do it! Shhhhhhh...... Don't tell anyone (especially the NSA), it's a secret.