How is 10.2? Rate it now!

How do you rate 10.2?

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Barking at the moon.
Give 10.2 a grade from 1 - 5 (5 being best) and throw in a quick reasoning behind your grade. Be serious here, don't just give it a 5 because it's Apple and you like, make sure that what you grade it reflects how well it's worked, how easy it installed, and how much it's improved over 10.1.
Everything just works so much better with 10.2 than 10.1. Though there are bugs here and there, for the most part it's very fast when compared to 10.1. Also now being able to use Quartz Extreme with a Radeon PCI makes it even better. Only problem that I noticed is that the dock pop-up animation is choppy, and seems to skip some frames. Quicktime movies get corrupted when anything transparent is placed in front of it. Last but not least in PandoCalendar, when I change the months or the year it doesn't always update it (99% of the time) unless I click on one of the date to bring up the window where you can enter notes.

With or without the Quartz Extreme over Radeon PCI, I still give this a 4. Maybe a 5 when Apple get the bug fixes (10.2.1) out in the coming weeks.
10.2 Grade: 2

Here's why:

It doesn't do anything marginally better than OS 9.2 and is much more bloated -- 0

You can setup and run a native Apache SSL server very easily -- 1

However, it is much faster than 10.1 and better looking than OS 9 -- 1
I gave it a 5.

It installed very fast, faster than 10.1.
Apps launch and run faster.
Rock solid stability.(upgraded my peesee to XP and it literally FREEZES like OS 9 does)
Cool new spam filter in Mail that actually works.
Quartz Extreme *IS* 10.2! Just makes it fly on anything with a 16mb radeon or better.

In my limited testing on a G4/400 with a rage128, I did not notice any difference in speed. But it's only $100 for a video card upgrade.

On a new G4/867DP with a dual monitor setup.....32MB AGP GeForce4MX and a 4MB Rage Pro card in a PCI slot, it was really easy to the see the difference in processor speed. Just moving windows around the screen on the rage card would use 50-60% of the processing power on each chip, while it barely changed when using the monitor with the GeForce card.......very nice!
I've got to give it a four out of five, only losing a point because I feel really ripped about the price. On my iBook 500 with 192M, it's noticably faster with a shorter loading time.
I gave it a 3. It's not perfect, but no OS is. So I will not give it a 5. On my iMac DV+ (450Mhz, if you didn't know) with 384Megs of RAM, it is a lot quicker than 10.1, I do wish I could use Quartz Extreme, but oh well. I did get a kernel panic after about 5 minutes of first running it, this made me give it a 3, I have not had one since. But leave it to Apple to give even a kernel panic a nicer look:) If you haven't had one in 10.2 but did in 10.x, you might not know what is going on! Anyway, it made my Sony Firewire burner work properly and it hasn't since the 10.1.5 upgrade, so I can't be to mad at it. Other than that it is great. Oh love the app icon on the minimized windows, great idea!!
Originally posted by übermac®™
10.2 Grade: 2

Here's why:

It doesn't do anything marginally better than OS 9.2 and is much more bloated -- 0

Ok, in this day and age when cost per gb on hard drives and cost per mb on ram is so low, is bloat on what is a primarily a unix based system really matter?

What I'd like to know is how did you evaluate this?

Most of the apps I have seen and used seem quite reasonably sized. Small programs I have built myself using Project Builder seem relatively small considering how much intelligence goes into it before I even have to write a single line of code.

Being only relatively new to the mac, (I SWITCHED just three weeks ago with a dual 1Ghz G4) I can't really compare to OS9, but then is it really right to compare OS9 to OSX when you get so much more bang per buck in OS X?

Just an observation of mine and I'm also seeking some clarity. (aren't we all hehe)

Oh and my rating I gave OS X a 4.. I think there is still room for improvement all over. This is going to be a natural progression as time goes on. I think we will be very spoilt with features as all the power of this OS is fully unleased.

I gave jaguar a 4 because I like all the new features and the OS itself does almost everything I want it to do.

The only feature I really want to see is snappier window performance, especially [specifically] resizing windows and scrolling in web browsers.

Other than that I have no real complaints anymore.
4 because it is great, but messy things like the fact that we are still waiting for non-USA Sherlock services!, and window resizing.

Love it though:)