How is 7b85's energy management (powerbook)?


My 1.25ghz 15" powerbook just came :D

Has anyone tried panther on one of the new powerbooks? How is the battery life? I hear 10.2.8 is pretty good (which i'm installing now), and I don't really want to be the guinea pig if I don't have to be.

I probably won't be able to handle the suspense anyway, so I bet I'll end up installing it within the hour ;)
I'm not so lucky to have a new PowerBook, but for me, Panther's Energy Saver is better than Jaguar's. I tend to get more juice out of this little 'book.
Well, I installed, and the battery seems to like it quite a bit. Right now it says 3:30 left, so its better than it was.

The only problem is my illuminating keyboard isn't working...
Yes, 10.3's power management seemed to work fine. But I didn't find any significant increase in usage time.
I am not surprised about any problems. There is 10.3.1 coming out very soon after the official release! :)
why isn't your illuminating keyboard not working? Panther doesn't support this? :) ;)
No, seriously, what's wrong?
Well, the light sensors weren't working at all after I installed it. The settings were turned on for both the keyboard and the display, but neither would react to me covering the sensors. Then, later in the day, it worked fine, without changing anything.

It still seems a bit glitchy though, because every once in a while it won't work... Not sure why. I've tried deleting the preferences, but it doesn't seem to help.
sorry - not quite an answer to your question...

anyway, i've got one of the first 17" (bought in February)

Since installing 10.2.8, my battery life is down to 1 hour and 35 minutes - doing nothing more taxing than surfing the net while watching a film on tv...

not impressive at all - at this rate i'm going to have to buy a second spare battery (to make three in total)

Or upgrade to Panther... others are getting better performance out of their batteries with it, you probably would too.

yup - you're right - i have high hopes for Panther!

Not only will it hopefully improve battery life, but, along with the other features such as expose etc., I imagine iChat is going to be better (otherwise why would Apple charge for it? people would just carry on using the current version...)

Roll on 24th October!!!
