How long does your browser take to load this?

IE 5.1 = 10 seconds (with EVERYTHING loaded and visible; full web page access).

OmniWeb = 7 seconds

(PowerBook G3 FireWire 400MHz with 512MB RAM and DSL)
9 secs in IE, 333 MHz iMac, 2:11 ADSL. Mac OS X is generally slow in OS X, so I didn't expect anything more :rolleyes:
I guess it'll load in less than a second on my G3 PowerMac in OS 9, though :D
Sad but true, the OS 9 IE 5.1 is way faster than the OS X version...
Originally posted by vanguard

Well, it's hard to say without benchmarking. The G4 has is capable of handling four integer instructions at the same time. It's IU (Interger Unit) is divided into two types of operations, simple add/subtract and complex multiple/divide. Add/Subtract instructions can be completed in a single clock. Multiply/divide instructions take several clock cycles.

It can, but neither does IE use this feature nor the OS core. The OS X core uses the AltiVec for floating point handling. If an app needs to activate the SIMD for integers, the programmers have to do it by hand, and till now, IE is not optimized for AltiVec.

Anyway, I'd give him a slight edge in integer operations. Of course, he has a large lead in floating point operations but I doubt that IE rendering does a lot with floats. (Not positive though.)

Yes, the G4 has a better Integer performance, but all I wanted to say is that the AltiVec just doesn't make a big difference in IE and HTML rendering...then again, I wouldn't say that the Integer performance of a Cube 450 and your iBook 500 is that different. I am using a 466 Mhz iBook for presenting my database applications to customers, and I have to say the 4D performance (read: mostly integer performance) is REALLY impressive for such an old machine.

Sure the Cube is faster, but I think it was *closest* to your machine.

I am at my friends house and he has a sony vaio 1.5ghz pentium 4 and it toke a long 15 sec using a reagular 56k connection running windows xp. this connection sucks

The IU/ALU is used by everything that does integer calculations. It's seperate from the Altivec unit.

Still, you're right, the cube was the closest to my machine. I was just thinking aloud about how close it was.


PS Edited to fix a spelling error.
Originally posted by vanguard

The IU/ALU is used by everything that does integer calculations. It's seperate from the Altivec unit.

You got me wrong. All I wanted to say is that the AltiVec doesn't accelerate integer calculations if the App is not tuned to use it. All floating point operations under OS X take advantage of the AltiVec, regardless if the app is programmed to do it. There is kind off an abstraction layer (I am lacking the proper word in english) running above the complex unit which tries to "pack" similar floating point operations into SIMD operation which could be accelerated by the AltiVec.

Example: I am writing an app which executes four times 3,5*4,5
Without ANY more code, OS X will run this calculation over the Altivec

But if I do four times 3*4, OS X won't use the AltiVec by it's own, I - as a programmer - would have to tell the App to do so.

That's all i wanted to say.
In IE 5.1 - 5 secs
In MachO Mozilla - 4 secs
In OmniWeb 4.1 - 3.5 secs
In iCab 2.7 - 4 secs

All of these under OS X 10.1.2, on a Cable Modem connection distributed through Airport (version 1). These are on a dual G4/800 w/ 1.5GB RAM.
serpicolugnut- wasn't it you i just saw proclaiming icab to be the slowest rendering browser of all over at versiontracker?;)

i would also love to know what you have done with omniweb to get it to blaze so fast. omniweb is repeatedly slow in all these comparisons except for yours.what have you turned on or off to get it to work so well?
took me about 7 seconds with ie 5.1 on x.1.2

i'm on a 512 cable line and had a 32k/sec download going on. ^^