How long life left of the G4 processor?


The Most Stupid Member
The new iMac LCD has been upgraded to G4 level. Soon iBook will be as well as iMac. The different between Pro line and i line is only the system bus speed and L2/L3 cache size. That was the same when the old iMac first came out. Remember B/W G3 and Bondi iMac?

So, how long life left do you think the G4 processor left? Or it will rule the Mac world for few years more? Would we be able to see the 166MHz system bus or even DDR? What about G5?

I say until January or December. If I remember correctly, that's about when the G4 was rolled out, and it seems like another good time to do it :-p

iBooks won't get G4's for a while, they had enough trouble fitting them in TiBook and making them not overhead. This thing heats up really fast. 2 minutes of use and you could reheat leftovers on the bottom of it...
If Motorola wouldn't be so...uhm...unprofessional, we would already have the G5! Apples plan - as Jobs already said - was to make the G4 the i-line processor and at the same time make the G5 the new powermac processor. But since Motorola is over a year late with the G5, they had to release the Apollo G4 (which they had ordered exactly for that situation) together (or a short time after) putting the G4 in the iMac line.

I even red that Apple planned to switch the iBooks also to G4 in Tokyo this year, but this plan was hatched when they thought they could release the G5 powermac together with the G4 iMac.

Rumors are that we will see the G5 in summer, then next year in Tokyo we will see G5 Powerbooks and G4 iBooks.

But well, rumours....

If Motorola is not able to get the G5 finished until December, damnit, switch to IBM! Motorola has showed more than once now that they are more than unreliable (the Yikes and first Sawtooths-dilemma, for example)
motorola makes great chips i love the G4, but the G5 is WAY overdue, i remeber reading and searching for it along time ago, its just time to get the new 333mhz DDR and a dual 1.6 G5 into a mac, then fellows, macs will finaly be drooled over by everbody.
What inquiring minds want to know is where this information about the G5 is coming from. I've never heard of Steve Jobs mentioning anything about any G5. The only thing I've seen is a bunch of rumor sites filling my brain with useless babble about something that I don't think is even confirmed. Sure, there'll be a G5... G3, G4, G5! It makes sense, but who has confirmed it? And who says it'll be in the next Mac?

Links please?
ElDiabloConCaca - How did you get so smart? (seriously)

I am really wondering how fast the new 68K chips from the other thread, it really got me thinking about that. I also heard about how IBM and Motorola (one of the two) figured out how to mass produce 100 Ghz Chips!

And about the 100 Ghz chips, its a fact, not a rumor.
Hehe... I eat my wheaties every day.

I guess I'm just a skeptic -- I take everything with a grain of salt, and research the heck out of something before I go shout it from the top of a mountain for fear of looking like a fool because I didn't get my facts straight.

At any rate, I don't doubt that there are chips that run at over 100GHz. IBM has also produced a holographic storage medium that's inches in size, and transistors the size of atoms as well as a 300MB hard drive that is less than the size of a US quarter. These aren't rumors. Does it mean we'll see them ANYTIME in the next 10 years? Doubtful. Just because something exists doesn't mean that it's mass-produceable or that any average Joe's feeble mind could fathom a way to understand it, much less use it. Once something that advanced is invented, it has to be, basically, "dummied down," so that stupid people can use them in mass quantities. Imagine if Motorola just started selling G4 chips to average people. No one would know what the heck to do with them -- only a minute few would know what they even did. We had to build a computer around it and simplify it so that stupid people could use it.
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
What inquiring minds want to know is where this information about the G5 is coming from. I've never heard of Steve Jobs mentioning anything about any G5. The only thing I've seen is a bunch of rumor sites filling my brain with useless babble about something that I don't think is even confirmed. Sure, there'll be a G5... G3, G4, G5! It makes sense, but who has confirmed it? And who says it'll be in the next Mac?

Links please?

Jobs often said that apple planned to drop the G4 on the powermacs some time ago, but the models were not ready then. course he never said anything about a G5, but it is an open secret, I mean you can follow the development of the G5 over at Motorola's page, Apple already officially anounced that the G5 will feature that new bus architecture from AMD etc. etc.
Originally posted by whitesaint

And about the 100 Ghz chips, its a fact, not a rumor.

I think I now what you are talking about, and this "fact" (I remember a slighty different Mhz number) also says that mass production is a) not planned and b) wouldn't be possible within the next years. Intel already demoed a 80 Ghz chip a while back, AMD also has such stuff in it's labs.
One of the most consistent things about Moto, IBM and Apple PowerPC development is the fact that Macs with new architecture come more less a year after Moto or Big Blue officially make an announcement on the new gadget(s).

Than usually makes for the time between developing a processor revision with the sampling finished and actually releasing a computer *product* that runs on it. Putting the name of the G5 in a 'roadmap' does not count.

If someone can provide some links or info on the G5 from Moto or IBM (press release or Microprocessor Forum stuff) we can easily add a year and guess what comes out --and when.
