How many Macs do you have?

How many Macs do you have?

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  • 0, over 20 or other, specify

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Chmod 760
Staff member
How many Macs do you have? List other OS - computers and the other's computers on the same house, but the basic thing to count is the Macs ...
IIsi (7.5) - 6100 (8.1) - 6500/300 (9.2.1) - G4/450/AGP/Powerlogic 1Ghz (10.2.5) - G4/400 Powerbook (10.2.5) HP Pavillion 6735 (WindowsXP)
Dual DDR 1GHZ G4
Pismo Powerbook 400mhz
Snow 500mhz ibook
17" iMac 800mhz
Snow iMac 500mhz

I voted 5 because that is how many are in the house at all times. The oens i didn't include are my dad's powerbook, he travels alot, my sisters ibook, she's away at school, and of course a computer I have/use at my father's office.

This 3 mac limit sucks! I think I should be able to share my music with everyone in my house. If I buy the cd I can make "fair use copies." So why can't I with this as well?? I'm waiting on a haxie I'm sure there will be one, I hope!
Well, there's 4 in my house....
But i own 2. Scruffy, my blue dalmation (imac: the rip, mix, burn era), and a crappy powerbook g3 (220 mhz, one of the first pb g3 models....).
My dad has a powerbook g4 (the first pbg4 model, he's going to get the new powerbook that should come out in like half a year...), and my brother has a G3 Tower (the last g3 tower made... the blue and white one...). We used to share a 7600 until 4 years ago.....
See below... (and there is one additional Plus that was out of order and that I repaired) ->6.
Any prizes for the most ;)


Mac XL (aka Lisa2)
Macintosh (the original)
Mac128 (after the 512 was released)
FatMac (a 128 that was upgraded to 512)
Quadra 750
UMax S900


Outbound (model# escapes me right now)
Mac Portable (original with mono lcd)
Powerbook 100
Powerbook 180
Duo 210
Duo 230
Duo 280
Duo 280c
Powerbook G3 (original)
Powerbook G3 (Pismo)

Historical Relationship

Xerox Star (what Stevie saw when he made his (in)famous trip to PARC
Canon Cat (the computer designed by Jef Raskin after he left Apple. Said to be closer to what his vision of the Mac was to be before the whole Xerox GUI thing took over)
IBM/Motorola PREP/CHRP computers (various, back when PPC was born and everyone was supposed to be able to run MacOS/AIX/NT on the same box)
NeXT (various)

I know I have a few others but can't think of them off the top of my head (hard to keep track sometimes). And the above doesn't factor in the fact that I have more than one of several of them. Oh, and this is just the Mac's.

Now you know why I don't include my computers in my sig :D
Apple II
Color Classic
Mac 512
Mac SE
Mac SE 30
Classic I & II
Quadara 750
Powermac All-in-one 5500
Powermac G3 300 desktop
Powermac G4 17'inch
All still work, use most of them for different duties. The powermac G3 300 is still a great Mac, very usable, and upgradable. I use it to run Psychology programs.
Does it have to work. If not, I voted wrongly. I have three that work and two that don't. They could work, but I'm too lazy and cheap to replace the parts that need fixing (hard drives and such).

Working: See below along with an original Macintosh.

Non-working: I have an SE and a IIfx lying around here somewhere.

I've also owned in the past an LC, PowerMac 7400/66 and a PowerBook 740 (I think that's the right number) that I've either sold or given away.
but not by that much
3 or less 29
4 or more 17 and counting

but then y'all are kind of an unusual sample... ;)

two lc III typing stations ->7.6
one 1400 powerbook/desktop (battery)->8.1
one imac dv se -> X.2.4
tangerine clamshell (recently liberated from the desktop) -> X.2.4 ;)
Bruddah, could some kind soul spare of cup of Quadra for us less fortunate ones...

I've almost always had a suped-up Mac or 2 at work, but at home now I'm just using 2 iBooks, a graphite clamshell and a snow model, both maxed on ram with AirPort, bluetooth, trakball, external speakers, fm transmitter, my tv2go usb-television converter, an external hard drive, a ton of 250 zip disks somewhere in the closet, the requisite 10-gig iPod (with a new one ordered) and a Palm Tungsten T with a Mac OS launcher skin and iTunes skin for its mp3 player. Sniff, I feel so depraved, I mean deprived.

Oh, and somewhere I have one of those %@#(&@! hockey puck mouses than don't get talked about much in reputable company.
I just have my 1 iBook. Im buying a Powerbook, but wont see the two at the same time (had to sell one for the other).

I have a PC downstairs, but dont use it.
Tengo una computadora. Es muy bonita. :D See my sig, that's all I have. :p
As for all the ones I've had before...
Macintosh 512Ke 8MHz | OS 1.1 (Upgraded to 7) | 2 MB RAM | 20 MB HD | 800k floppy | Labtec Speakers
Macintosh II 33MHz '040 | OS 7.2 | 16 MB RAM | 80 MB HD | 800k floppy x2 | 256 color card
Performa 6200CD 75MHz | OS 9.2 | 40 MB RAM | 1 GB HD | 4x CD-ROM
Strawberry iMac 333MHz | OS X 10.1.5 | 160 MB RAM | 6 GB HD | 24x CD-ROM drive | Wacom Graphire | USB Floppy | Macally USB Mic
Lime iMac DV 400MHz | OS X 10.2.5 | 192 MB RAM | 40 GB HD | CD/DVD slot load | Wacom Graphire | Archos 10 GB | Macally USB Mic (Only got rid of this one about two weeks ago!)
Not in use anymore:

Apple II (3 or 4)
Classic II
Macintosh IIfx
Performa 630
Quadra LC475 (Same as Performa 630?)
Macintosh SE
Powerbook 180
Powerbook 270c (2x)
Powerbook 5300ce
iMac rev a (Although I still boot it sometimes and it remains in my room, that's why it's in my sig, it just has sentimental value and nothing beats playing those old games on an iMac that was made for them!)

Still in use:

Powermac G4/450 (2x, my dad and I)
Powerbook G3/233 (I, because it has scsi and is portable, sorta)
Powerbook G4/1000

2 PCs, not included in the count
Acer sth sth P4 or sth like that for my sister
And an old Pentium box with a Turbo button

As you migth have noticed, I never sell an old box. I used to have a Powerbook Duo 280c but that got lost in transportation when it went to Apple for repairs so I got a 5300ce as replacement.
I didn't realize we were counting old macs that can't use the music store or that we aren't even using at all.

In that case, I've got a 6400 and a 6500 sitting in a closet.