4 Macs (well, 3 if you only count the ones I use) and 3 PCs (1 if you only count the ones I use, 0 if the server doesn't count

12" PowerBook 1Ghz - My Main System - it's practically attached to me.
Dual G4 533mhz "Digital Audio" - Soon to be my "Base station" at the office (plug everything to it that is) - File server/backup server, render station, Scan station, Print Center, etc.
G3 Desktop - coming home as a backup Mac and a general house use Mac (in Spanish, heh).
Performa 550 - FREE to good home! Runs!
1Ghz Athlon - Minimal Resources, just enough for Windows Tech Support (yeah, unfortunatly I have to do that too), The Sims and Sim City 4

(wish I got SC4 for Mac! Doh!)
800 Mhz Duron - Frankenstein is dead! Other than stealing the RAM and HDD, no idea what will become of this freak.
800 Mhz Duron made into a 2U Rack-Mount - Domain Server (does this count?
