How many people got a Soundblaster Live?

Have you a Soundblaster Live for Mac?

  • Yes, I have one and am still waiting for drivers for X

  • Yes, I have it, I'm still on 9, so don't care about X drivers

  • I had one, but sold it

  • I don't have it, and don't intend to buy it

  • I don't have it, but would buy it as soon as OS X drivers are out

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Bring mich zum Licht!

I have the Soundblaster Live for Mac, and I am still waiting for the OS X drivers.

Now I would like to know how many people are with me... :)
I wait an os x driver from the day I buy the card.
Now, more for educational that other, I' m trying to develop mine basing on linux free code, but is very difficult for me because I' m italian and not know english very well.....
what does having one of these get you for day to day use? what are the features not available on the motherboard?
Hi :-)

I finally get to post something about the SB Live! lol

I've been lurking at XLR8 for ages, but couldn't post because they won't allow new registrants ..

I, too, am waiting in the hopes I'll see X drivers. I might've given up hope had it not been for CreativeOne's tenacity & desire to see these drivers & Creative hardware survive & thrive on the Mac ..
rinse: From what I know, it allows you to add effects to your sound before they go out to your speakers, like stereo delay and some other cool effects.

Nothing a little software couldn't replace, though, I don't think.
Originally posted by simX
rinse: From what I know, it allows you to add effects to your sound before they go out to your speakers, like stereo delay and some other cool effects.

Nothing a little software couldn't replace, though, I don't think.
Yes, and also a little software could replace Transform, Clipping and Lighting, what all the new graphiccards do.

The point to use hardware, as you can easily see for the graphiccards example is that it is much faster. Have you ever turned of the sound on Quake 3 and looked at the fps? Quite faster than with sound on. The difference on a PC with Soundblaster sound on and off is rather insignificant.

I want Soundblaster being used for games! If soundeffects are done by software, then we probably all have to buy a Dual-Gig Mac if games use such things like EAX.

For the question about day to day use:
-It can be a great thing for gamers (Surround Sound)
-Music sounds better as the hardware processes sound better than the onboard soundchip from Apple.
-You get a midi port and Sound-In
I have sblive 5.1 and value OEM.
I'd like to try these on mac OS 9 but have no drivers at all.
Could anyone upload somewhere or send me these drivers and utilities?!
The SoundBlaster Live does much more than add a few effects. In addition to 3D Surround, EAX, midi, etc, it provides quite a few ports for line-in, line out, microphone, midi, and a few others. I agree with DodgeTigger. Yes, you can do a lot of this in software, but at a significant penalty. The point here is that it is supposed to take a load off the main cpu, like graphics cards. If I were to (supposing the Mac OS, either 9 or X, provided the features my Radeon 8500 & SB Live have) put that load on my G4, the penalty would be quite severe. In my view, the reasons cards such as these exist are multifold: First, I don't think most people want their main cpu to bear the brunt of the load of processing those types of signals. Second, until we see the day when G5s arrive with 200-400 mhz bus speeds, 2ghz cpus, etc., if you want those features included with such cards, you really do need the extra hardware.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, it has sound-in. For the life of me, I can't figure out why Apple called my G4 a 'digital audio' model, and yet took away any sort of sound input hardware. Yes, the audio has gone from analog to digital, but the name's a bit misleading. For those of you who simply want audio-in and nothing else, the iMic is your best bet at an affordable price ..
Cmon Creative wtf is your problem... go to all the trouble to make OS9 products but then drop the BALL on OSX...

Cmon when is the Audigy for Mac coming... I WANT IT NOW..

Pitiless:) :o :o