How many tongues do you have?


Translator, Web Developer
That is, how many languages do you speak (and/or write), and what are they.

And hey for kicks, how'd you come to learn the others if you speak more than one?

I was almost sure there was a topic like this already, but I couldn't find it so here!

Me: English and French fluently (from family), learned a little bit of functional German (school), currently learning Classical Arabic (friends at university, plus my own curiosity).

When I first saw this thread I thought it was some new pick-up line I wasn't familiar with yet...:cool:

however, come to think of it, *I* should be asking YOU.....oh nevermind *smirk*
i'm waiting for someone to start listing their programming languages.:D

really just english for me. i've studied french and latin as a kid, i remember just enough to get confused. i took spanish in college a few years ago but can't say that i speak it at all. i can read a few signs is about it.
Racer: LOLOLOL!!! That explains it all. :)

Now, I love your company, but I thought you were off to suck your wife's toes or something?;)

Oh wait oh wait....I need to send you something, don't turn me off yet. :D

(my wife is on her way home right now, that is why I still have nothing better to do that look at the theme change).
eeehhhmmm :eek:

Swedish- mother tongue
English - fluent
Italian - almost fluent
German - so so, don't use it much

now spelling is a different issue......

Spanish. (mom's family)
Some Italian both written and spoken - trying to learn more. (dad's family)

I can also understand some Portuguese (but never studied).

I used to know some Japanese when I was dating a Japanese girl, but it's been so long since that I've forgotten completly (but never forgot how to use chop sticks! heh :D).
English(of course :p)
A little bit of Korean
A little bit of French

Interestingly enough, I took french in school from grade 3 to 9, but I know more Korean than I do french, and I've only been learning for about 6 months. Not to mention it's a whole new alphabet :p
Errm... :p

north-norwegian, trøndersk, bergensk, jærsk, østlandsk, moldsk, finnish-norwegian, german-norwegian, english-norwegian, norwegian-english, oxford-english, london-english, half-scottish-english, new york-english, canberra-australian and a little german :)
motherlanguage: dutch
english: better than my french, but not that good
french: terrible, but i'm still learning it (for 7 years now, je pense)
german: studied it for 2 or 3 years, i suck in German
English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese, Hindi and Japanese.

Guess the education system here helped...
Spanish ... :( but it's quite deterioted now, i've lived for too long in Italy. So Italian then...
and Brazilian Portuguese.
and English. :rolleyes:
and some survival Finnish .. and some bad words in French, Greek, Arabic, and Swedish.
oh, and some mac related terminolody in Japanese :p
English as a first... I also know a little Spanish...
El gato es en el fuego. Tiene cien años.
A little Japanese...
Watashi wa aruchisan desu.
And a couple of words in other languages; German and French mainly.