How Much RAM do YOU have?!


i would like to know how much ram do os x users use on their hardware, and how do their machines perform (ya know, the x resizing snailiness thing, etc)
I've got 640 megs in my iBook 500, it runs pretty good for me. Window resizing isn't exactly great ... but it's not horrible either.
256 here (stock 800 MHz LCD iMac) and it runs fine. Window resizing is as fast as I need, but still not perfect.
I've got 1.5 GB in my G4 733 (non-Quicksilver) at home. I filled it up before RAM prices started going back up.

It performs better than my Quicksilver 733 G4 with 768 MB that I have at work when using pure Java development environments (JBuilder, IDEA). Not sure if it's because of the amount of RAM or because my home machine has a 1 MB L3 cache.
have any of you started using os x with low ram, and then upgraded your ram, and noticed any speed improvments?
I used a Blueberry iBook/300 with 64 MB of RAM (I know, I know... but it was actually surprisingly fast even with so little) and then upgraded to 192 and noticed a HUGE difference :P
I started out with 256 and a month or so later bumped it up to 896. I noticed a little differece but not a ton. Then again I wasn't using Photoshop and Freehand alot then either.
1GB in my new flat-panel iMac. :D

I noticed a huge difference in speed between my iMac and my roommate's iMac -- hers is the CRT type, 600 MHz (IIRC) with 256MB RAM. (mine is an 800 MHz G4, so the 600 MHz G3 is probably another factor :) )
Originally posted by vic
have any of you started using os x with low ram, and then upgraded your ram, and noticed any speed improvments?

In deed, my PowerMac started out with 128Mb RAM and OS 10.0.3. First thing was doubling the RAM. I was impressed.
Then I got 10.1 and I was impressed.
Then, I got a bunch of RAM, and I love the speed. I dunno what all you guys complain about...
My QuickSilver 733 has 640 and my 500 iBook has 384. My iBook started out with 128 but it was far from enough to have a good experience in X (I used 9 on it for months with 128 and it was fine). 384 makes it pretty useable.

I'm sure it'll get better and faster in time. Let's hope Steve & Co. are super tuning 10.2!
I have 384 in my tibook, but i think before i get more ram i really want to see what 10.2 brings. (in speed that is)
that would probably make more of a difference than adding more ram,

or not?

768... i need more..... photoshop and final cut beg for it along with flash mx. when those prices come back down im in for a 512 chip. but what i really need is a dual g5... the dual g4 500 isnt cuting it for me anymore.