How stable is Duality?


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I have Duality 3.0 on my hard drive but haven't touched it yet. I want to know how stable it is before I start playing with the theme-y goodness, after what Kaleidoscope did to OS 9-.

Anyone had any problems with Duality? Or should I dive right in?

-the valrus
The App itself is stable. Never crashed on me.

It's not the same as kaleidoscope. All this does is replace the system files that contain the standard images to make them the themed images. It doesn't run in the background or anything, I don't think there's any way for that to be done in OS X.

It's pretty safe, too. I'm pretty sure it backs up all the Aqua files before it does anything.
From what I've gathered you just need to make sure youre getting themes for 10.1 and not 10. I had it for a while and had no problems. I installed metamorphX once (never again.)

I removed it because I realized none of the themes comes close to aqua. The only one that's any good is the one that gets rid of the horizontal lines.
Isn't Themer: Anche shareware? I don't really want themes enough to want to pay for them, and Themer: Anche looks like it does essentially the same thing as Duality, except that you don't have to log out in order to change themes.

-the valrus
Never mind... dlookus, you were right. Them themes is crap, every last one of them.

Viva Aqua! At least until something different and just as good comes along. :p

-the valrus
Duality 3.0 never managed to install a single theme for me, or even to preview one. It just crashed, crashed, and crashed some more. I figured out some problems, fixed some things - worked around some of its bugs, basically - but there were still some that were insurmountable.

Eventually I went with MetamorphX - it's faster, has more features, the interface is no worse (neither is great, both are OK), and it works well.
I'm mostly using Duality 3.01b, and it works just fine, except it couldn't install the Alumite theme. So I downloaded MetamorphX just to handle that one specific theme (which I really like, BTW).