How to add a permanent field label in Address Book


Hello everyone,

I know how to add or create a new field in Address Book/Preferences/Template but I can't find a way to permanently add a label in the pop up of a field. For instance, I would like to have "Skype" available in the pop-up of the "phone". I don't want "Skype" to appear in each new card but would like to be able to select it in the "phone" field pop-up if needed. I would like to show only one field per category in a new card and add more if necessary. Is there way to edit these labels? Thanks
Address Book > Preferences > Template
Add the fields you want, and rename as needed. Add "Custom..." from the phone fields, and add Skype as the label for your custom. After you've added it, save or view some other field on other tabs to save the change, and close the preferences.
I had tried that but the behavior of custom labels in Address Book turns out to be, in a few ways, quite tricky.

For instance, the custom label won't appear in existing cards unless I erase the content of every field in the same category and turn edit mode off and on. Only then the custom label becomes available for that field. Not good when you have hundreds of existing cards.

Also, a custom label, let's say "Skype Phone", will not be available in the default "Home Phone" field. You can't have "Skype Phone" in the list of the default "Home Phone" field. You need to show the two phone fields. I would like only one phone (home) field with additional custom label options in the popup.