how to burn 800 MB cd rom???

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Hello out there...

i filmed my nude women and, the film is arround 780 MB.

how can i burn this film to disk? finder only detect 38 MB of the empty cdrom... i have got 800 MB capacie cdroms...

please helo me

with kind regards
btw, just have to add something. You can't burn on CD-Rom. Rom means: Read Only Memory. ;)
You should say CD-R.
I purchased Toast 6.. can someone give me a step by step instruction how to overburn? i didnt find any options :(

thanx for explanation!!

P.S. i will you send nude Pics of my women
Originally posted by Giaguara
No nudity on please!!

Use thinner women so they will fit to 700 mb ;)

not an, I send the pics by email... only if you wish that!

my woman has a very beatiful thin body...

please give me the step by step description, i wanna burn her on cd-r

thanks for your short guide
Um, send me pics if you like...

Try using Disc Copy to make a compressed .dmg, which you can then burn to a normal CD-R/W.

And Sam: CD-R's become CD-ROM's after you burn them. Or coasters.
if you give me a step by step description how to overburn with Toast 6 I will send you pics of my women - please do not share these pics with others, my women dont know that i send these pictures arround!
I dont want a dmg, because this format is compressed and my QuickTime dont understand compresed movies!
It doesn't look like you can use Toast 6 to overburn. I'd say try making your movie smaller somehow, either through editing or by reencoding to a smaller codec, or try one of the following apps: DiscBlaze, Discribe, Dragon Burn, Firestarter FX (Officially Endorsed by Androo, of course), or MissingMediaBurner.

A few random questions:
  • Well first, what do you do, make porn or something?
  • What codec and movie quality are you trying to use for your movie?
  • What kind of disc are you trying to make, CD, VCD, SVCD?
  • (Not a question) I would never share said pictures with anybody without explicit permission. I wouldn't violate your privacy, even if you're sharing them with me.
  • What about making a 2-part movie and splitting the file onto 2 separate CD's (at a logical point, of course)? This is not uncommon... for example, Pink Floyd's The Wall takes 2 CD's even though it is only about 82 minutes long. Rather than overburn, they decided to split it (though this is a natural progression from the era of vinyl records, of which The Wall took 4).
Hope this helps.

From, the 4th post:
It's not impossible, but 99 min "CDs" violate the spec and thus are not guaranteed or even likely to work in any particular device. _The Compact Disc specification specifies a minimum track width, and 99min discs are far beyond it. _There's a decent chance they're measuring all the way out to the end of the track too to advertise the maximum space, which would leave no room for overburning.
Okay, after reading a little more on that page, I'd say the safest thing you can do is compress your movie a little more or split it into 2 parts. I don't think it's a good idea to try overburning, if you even figure out a way how.

Now, shall we discuss my fee? ;) :D ::ha::
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