how to buy a harddisk?


Ok, I need a new hard-drive and I know nothing about it. I currently have a Ultra ATA/66 that came with my Mac, does that mean that I have to buy a ATA/66 now? I don't even know if I have room for another HD. Do I have to replace it with my zip-disk station or cd-drive or something, or is there a empty place to put them in?
I have also read that you can get SCSI disks, are they compatible with macs? are all hd's compatible with mac? (like, can i take my friends hd and install it on my machine?)
At least can someone give me a link where I can get info about this topic?
System specified in signature.

Thanks for help

there should be room inside your tower's case for two additional hardrives... buy a 7200RPM ATA 100 drive just to be on the speedy side of things... 40-80 gigs will be great. (as far as installation instructions... i believe they are available on Apple's site, certainly there will be some at

not sure if you mac has a scsi bus or not... even so, a scsi will be 2-3x more $ than a comparable ATA drive.
Adding a new HD should be pretty easy. Buy one from (they are cheapest), preferably 7200 rpm for best performance, be sure to set the jumper settings to "slave", and put in it your PowerMac :)