If i know the ip address of my home comp how do i gain access through the internet to it. Is this possible through a browser? new to all this network/internet stuff and need to learn.
you will need to set up the sharing control panel, put on personal websharing and you will be able to use any web browser to access your computer.
The files for the web server are kept in
these files are what is served up when you enter you computers ip address. To access the personal webpages in you home directory go to htt p:// yourIP/~user
If this doesnt work it is most likley that your computer is protected by a fire wall and you will need to give us details of exactly how your computer is setup to access the internet - often this involves a router.
To test if your webserver is working without using another computer go to http://localhost and http://localhost/~dantilly replace dantilly with your macosx short username.