How to create a folder in Finder via a right-click menu


Hi all,

I like to have Finder displaying as a list. It's nice. However, when I try to create a new folder, it puts it at the top-most directory displayed. Very irritating. If possible, I'd like to right-click on an already existing folder and create a folder there (instead of creating it at the top-most directory and then moving the darn thing into place, which seems overly complicated for the task that I'm trying to accomplish.) Is there a way to do this? What about left-clicking on a directory and then pressing some other keyboard/button combination and have a new folder created in there?
Why not just open the desired parent folder, create the new one, and go back to the previous view? It's possible that Cocoatech's Path Finder has the feature you seek.
Why not just open the desired parent folder, create the new one, and go back to the previous view? It's possible that Cocoatech's Path Finder has the feature you seek.

This is more of a pet-peeve of a lack of a feature that I've found in many other operating systems and desktop managers.

Where would I go about in order to submit suggestions to Apple?
Apple doesn't take feature requests or improvement ideas from anyone not working for and specifically tasked to do so.

You can submit all you want at, however, be aware that once you submit an idea to Apple, one of a couple of things is going to happen according to their unsolicited idea submission policy:

Basically, that says that Apple isn't going to listen to you... or that if they do listen to you, then you submitting the idea causes the intellectual property of the idea to be transferred to Apple and you will never receive acknowledgement for coming up with the idea.

My point is that you can request all you want, but more than likely, it will do absolutely nothing unless you've got a large amount of like-minded suggestions to go along with it and the public clout to make a big stink about it.
That may be the case for some especially creative ideas that no one else ever thought of. I encourage feedback anyway and practice giving it myself on a regular basis. You never know when a developer may listen, especially when you're submitting a bug report.
Well, it's unfortunate that Apple has such a policy (and that this suggestion is likely to be ignored.)

earthsaver, I'll check your link out tomorrow. Thanks.