How to create an Alias for an application?


I cannot make an alias for every application. Sometimes I get the "Make alias" option in the context menu, sometimes this option is disabled, sometimes it is not present at all.

I would like to group the applications in some way (creating my directory tree with aliases inside), instead of having all of them in the same "Applications" directory...

Is it possible to do it?
Thank you.
What is your endgame? What hierarchy are you trying to accomplish with so many aliases? Where are you trying to access them where aliases works better? That said, Command+Option+drag has the desired effect.
Have a look at Overflow it will likely be a better solution.

It runs as an application so you can command tab to it, then make your selection at any time.

It also holds links to folders and frequently used documents sorted however you like.
rubaiyat: I always get a copy no matter where I drag the file/application icon to (in another window or on the desktop background).
+Go to > Finder > Menu > Help > Shortcuts for working with items in the Finder+

Make an alias to a file instead of moving it

⌘-Option-drag the file's icon

Which (language) keyboard are you using and are you sure you have the right keys? (The 2 immediately next to your spacebar).

Is it possible you have substituted a custom keyboard shortcut in its place or a 3rd party software has done so?

Are you using a PC keyboard?

Could it depend on the type of application I want to make the alias to?
E.g., I could make aliases for Firefox, The Gimp and CodeBlocks, just selecting "Make Alias" from the context menu. But I could not make it for, e.g., Xcode or TextEdit; in this case the "Make Alias" command is not present in the context menu, and it is present int the top menu bar (in File), but is disabled.

But, just a moment, I found a way to do it. I duplicate an already existing alias, I get its info, and from there I change the application it links to. It is not such a linear way of doing things, but it works!
I think Select New Original is a new feature. I didn't know about it before. But, no, the behavior you're seeing is odd. I would try reinstalling the latest combo update for your version of Mac OS X. That sometimes fixes wayward glitches like this.