How to enable right click in OS 9?!?


Bring me Tiger!

I have a Logitech mouse with scroll and right-click but i don't know how to enable the irght click!

In osx it works perfectly and it knows by standard that it is ctr-click without any configuration, but in os 9 there is a software which you can choose from different action when pressing that button but non of them works! I can make my own comands for the right-click button but non of them makes the right clickfunction.

Please help me! :(
My mouse right clicks fine in OS X, Works OK in OS9 when booted to OS 9, but the right button doesn't do anything in Classic mode. Is that what you're talking about? The best software is USB Overdrive.
if you are actualy booted in OS 9 and it is not working you'll have to install Logitec's mouse driver. I believe it's a control panel that can configure what you want specific buttons to do.
I normally download and install the Logitech Mouseware Drivers. And you can also use the additional functions that comes with the drivers. In OS 9, that is. I had a problem with the speed of the Dual Optical mouse on my Mac, and just yesterday, I downloaded the LogiControl Drivers for OS X and things are speedier and the movement improved.

Hope this helps.
Yeah i have MouseWare too!, but i don't know which too choose from or which key-comand to make the right-click work
If you have the absolutely latest version of the Logitech Mouseware for Mac OS 9.x then the drivers should automatically disable themselves in Mac games which use InputSprockets (most games). However, I don't use the Mouseware software because it tends to lose my mouse settings.
Instead, I use a shareware USB mouse driver called USB Overdrive. It disables the USB OD drivers during InputSprocket enabled games, it allows for custom mouse configurations for different apps (the latest Logitech Mouseware does both of these as well... apparently, they were surprised that people wanted the ability to do those things so they added it to Mouseware 4.x). It works with any USB mouse and joystick (in OS 9, the OS X version currently only supports mice). Some of you probably don't want to spend $20 on mouse drivers, but the app is shareware (try before you buy), so you can see if it's worth it to you. It's fully featured when unregistered. I've been using USBOD for years so it's been well worth the $20, especially since I don't have to reprogram my mouse after every reboot. And the OS X Logitech drivers don't support multiple app settings. USB OD does.
For Finder and most apps, you would want to map your right button to command-click.

However, as mentioned elsewhere, many games will override Mouseware, and have a built-in configuration panel to set up the mouse mappings.
Ok i tried USB OverDrive but i think it´s a bit messy, the right-click works but how do i make it work in games such as WarCraft 3?, i really need that function to play it (Very important!!).

please help me :)!
I haven't played Warcraft III, but presumably there is a configuration screen somewhere that should allow you to define which controls perform which functions. Check the main "startup" menu (most games have one) and look for a choice like "setup" or "controls" or "configure".

It may allow you to directly assign the desired function to the 2nd mouse button, in which case you don't need USB Overdrive. If not, then try to map the function onto the key combination you assigned to the 2nd button (such as command-click).
In OS 9, WCIII should have an option called "Enable Multi Button Mouse Support" in one of the Option screens. I think it's under Gameplay.
Yeah! that's right. It works perfect now and it's even faster in OS 9 than X! just 2 more problems. The mouse got a lot slower when enabled this feature, two i can't connect to battle net!, I had this problem a several time now, maybe an update on the way?