How to enlarge the cursor...


Hello MacOSX supportmember,

How to make my cursor appear larger. On a 22 inch monitor, writing text in Pages or Email in Mail, I am sometimes studying where the cursor is hiding in the text. Hitting the arrow keys to make it move in the document makes me find it. Is there a way to enlarge the vertical black blinking little bar... I did find how to enlarge the pointer but that left the cursor unchanged.


. . . and it is FREE: Cursor Zoom 1.0.4.

I do not know if it will work with 10.5+ for, as I have been so RUDELY reminded, "third-party pluggins" do not always work as the OS is updated.

Great: "It is recommended to use the functionality provided by Apple, and not Cursor Zoom, if you run Mac OS X 10.4 or later."

Ah! Here it is!



  • Cursor.jpg
    250 KB · Views: 10
Is there a way to enlarge the vertical black blinking little bar... I did find how to enlarge the pointer but that left the cursor unchanged.

No, the size of the in-text cursor is controlled by the size of the text (font size), so the way to make that larger is to make your text larger - much to the chagrin of Doctor X, eh?

Of course, your mouse cursor can easily place that text cursor wherever you like - you don't need to find it first..... Just click your chosen spot, and the text cursor appears there. What do you do that requires you to find the text cursor without clicking at the spot?
No, the size of the in-text cursor is controlled by the size of the text (font size), so the way to make that larger is to make your text larger - much to the chagrin of Doctor X, eh?

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! That cursor.

--J. "Cursors!" D.
Is there a way to enlarge the vertical black blinking little bar... I did find how to enlarge the pointer but that left the cursor unchanged.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! That cursor.
Yup, that's the one! ;)

Which version of OS X are you using, jverschu? If you're not using Leopard (10.5), you could try "Mighty Mouse," as it does indeed allow the user to change the I-beam (the name for the vertical bar you refer to). I would, however, sound a note of caution in general about installing third party products which tinker too much with the appearance or behavior of the OS (although Unsanity state Mighty Mouse won't touch any System files).
. . . and I would have gotten away with it too, if not for that meddlesome DeltaMac and his dog!

I think the i-beam is also simply a different mouse cursor, while in a text field. It's not the same as that location cursor that shows your position when typing.
The I-beam cursor size is also related to the arrow pointer size. Both increase when changing the mouse pointer size. The in-text position cursor size does not, however.

Wizard of Oz quote?
Sorry my dog got involved - she's completely innocent, and didn't see that mouse at all (nearly blind, you see) (Ironic, isn't it?). And, she doesn't let me get away with anything, either... :D
No! Scooby Doo!

Old Man Smithers: And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddlesome kids and their dog!

See . . . bbloke's avatar is a dog . . . and . . . so . . .

Is this mike on?
