Do you have a copy of TextWrangler? If not you can download it--it is free from Bare Bones.
I had determinedly tried to wreck a file, which was very small, and contained a minimal amount of formatting information (basically, just a particular font). It persisted in being opened correctly in Word and TextEdit. I opened it in TextWrangler, which would open it and display the sort of thing you would see in a hex editor, that is every thing encoded in the file, but in a more readily readable form. Here's what it looks like:
{\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 TimesNewRomanPSMT;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 This was a Neo office document. I'm trying to mess it up.\
You can see that it was originally in rtf form, with TimesNewRoman as the font. The actual text is the simple statement: This was a Neo office document. I'm trying to mess it up.
You might try downloading TextWrangler, then drop one of the smaller files on to it and see what you get.