how to free space in start up disc..?

I'm making some renders in my iMac G5, and somewhere half way the high resolution renders, I get a message that the "start Up Disc" is almost full... how is that possible..?

the HD is almost empty, and I do not have partitions... I don't get this...

Anybody could please explain..?

thanks, FerX
You can download a trial of OmniDiskSweeper which will tell you all the files on the drive. You could have a build up of log files.

If you installed iShockX driver, and then updated your OS to 10.3.8, a bug in the iShockX driver will continuously write to your logs until your drives are completely full.

Start up in "single-user mode" by holding down the Command (Apple) key and the S key after you hear the chime. You will end up at a text-mode command prompt.
At that prompt, issue the command:
tail -100 /var/log/system.log

You can look throug and see what's filling up.

To get out out Single User Mode, type - exit
I'm running form•Z 3.9, which ask classic to run.
And that's the only app open at this moment... and by now, I do have to re-start the computer again, loosing all those precious calculations... this time somewhere half way the render was complete..! too bad.

anyway... I'll try what bobw suggested. But b4, I'll have to update to X.3.8 (now is running X.3.7 ...would that be the prob?)
Rendering always takes up a lot of disk space for all the intermediate files and data. It's because it can't all be stored in RAM.

Solution is to get a bigger drive or large external drive.

Same thing happens if you are creating a DVD in DVD Studio Pro if you don't have enough disk space.
Aha! A Classic app! That explains everything!

Do a "get info" on the application (Hi-lite it and press splat-y).

Under "memory" you will see suggested, minimum, and preferred sizes.
Increase the minimum and preferred sizes.

In OS9 (Classic) you must allocate application memory manually.
sorry... I was running OSX.3.8 before the problem...
and now I tried to downloads updates, I should get some security update, as some iPod update... but when I click ok, to start the download... again the same trouble. minimun of 300MB needed on HD to be do that...
And I do have over 140GB free..!!!

what's this nonsence..?

by the way, the OS9 app form•Z is running on a preferable memory 800MB... I do have a G in the iMac G5 of memory... should that be enough I guess...
bobw said:
Start up in "single-user mode" by holding down the Command (Apple) key and the S key after you hear the chime. You will end up at a text-mode command prompt.
At that prompt, issue the command:
tail -100 /var/log/system.log

You can look throug and see what's filling up.

To get out out Single User Mode, type - exit
when doing the above I get a message "not such file or directory"

Apparently, and after repairing permissions few times, and using the McJanitor, I'm able to get enough free space on the HD to install the latest security update from the SoftwareUpdate. What means that at least I mannage to get 300MB free space...
Have you tried repairing your disk? Boot of the system install CD and use DiskUtility. Maybe the Finder isn't reporting the correct amount of free disk space because of a disk error.
I agree with Captain Code. You have a sick system that is in
dire need of repair. If Disk Utility doesn't do it (and it is awful
limited), I suggest buying Tech Tool Pro and/or Disk Warrior.
Lotsa folk like DW, but if I had to buy one, it'd be TTP. DW is
a one-trick pony (and it does that trick quite well), but I don't
know of anything TTP can't fix that DW can. Personal opinion.
I keep both in my toolkit.