Hi, I wonder how I can get every point that the mouse has been dragged. Thanks in advance.
O oholle Registered Sep 9, 2004 #1 Hi, I wonder how I can get every point that the mouse has been dragged. Thanks in advance.
Untitled Untitled Sep 17, 2004 #5 Assuming that you are just tracking events in a window of your program, you will want to look at NSEvent http://developer.apple.com/document...licationKit/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSEvent.html This is also a nice related tutorial: http://cocoadevcentral.com/articles/000047.php Cheers
Assuming that you are just tracking events in a window of your program, you will want to look at NSEvent http://developer.apple.com/document...licationKit/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSEvent.html This is also a nice related tutorial: http://cocoadevcentral.com/articles/000047.php Cheers