[How To]hide an app from the dock


to do this and make it so its like a background app just add <key>NSUIElement</key>

into the plist file of that application
good for hiding msn at skool from teachers :p
if the application dosent have a plist then open it up in a res editor and look for plist and modify it in there

Originally posted by Wise_Monk
to do this and make it so its like a background app just add <key>NSUIElement</key>

into the plist file of that application
good for hiding msn at skool from teachers :p

dude, it will STILL show up in process veiwer or when using ps aux in terminal -
i though of both of them the second i read your post, and i'm not even a teacher! lol
Yes, if you do this and a teacher looks at the processes you're running, they will show up. But for simple glances at the screen, such applications will appear not to be running. Windows can't do that, as far as I know.
I just tried this on launchbar. Didn't work to me. I searched for the file in home/Library/Preferences and added the line SOMEWHERE but nada. Where do I have to add this line exactly?
In the info.plist file, add it right before the
tag, and make sure you put it on two lines, indented like the rest of them.

And I don't see why it wouldn't work with Panther, it uses the same package contents for applications... in other words, the application's contents don't change just because you're in Panther.
Doesn't work...

this is my line:

I restarted the app, but it's still there... :(
Log out and log back in. If it doesn't work, change the 1 to a 0 and try again.
tnx, arden, but it doesn't want to hide. Tried changing 0 and 1... nada.. Could it be I am taking the wrong plist-file? It's actually the only one after searching for launchbar.
Did you or anyone else hide launchbar successfully? I don't need that icon there and it's running on startup...
Are you doing it correctly? It should be info.plist within the application package.
arden, you gotta kill me! ;)
I didn't check the prog-content, but searched for all launchbar files in the finder. I was editting this file: at.obdev.LaunchBar.plist
And now it's working... sorry for bothering ;)