How to import's archive

Captain Code

Staff member
I read about a new spam archive on slashdot.
I tried importing the messages into to grow it's database of spam characteristics but it didn't seem to work.

The archives are here

Does anyone know how to import it into or how I can convert it to something that Mail can read?
You can import mail from other email programs.
I suggest you decompress those files, then email them to yourself. You will then have them in Mail.
I was thinking of that, but, I'm not sure exactly how Mail's spam filter works, so I didn't want it thinking that all email from my own address was spam :p
I'm not sure if emailing those files to myself would work, because they would just be attachments.

I think they're in Maildir format. I haven't been able to find any program to convert it to mbox format so I could just import it into Mail that way.