I want to install gcc and make on OS X.
You need make to compile gcc. You need gcc to compile make. gcc instructions state to start by installing the 32MB file called "Darwin Development Environment for Mac OS X
" found here:
I ran the installer, which claims it completed successfully however, I can't find any files that it installed ( it seems that gcc, cc and make were not installed ).
Furthermore, I can't find any documentation on what this installer does or did to my computer.
Can anyone explain this situation?
You need make to compile gcc. You need gcc to compile make. gcc instructions state to start by installing the 32MB file called "Darwin Development Environment for Mac OS X
" found here:
I ran the installer, which claims it completed successfully however, I can't find any files that it installed ( it seems that gcc, cc and make were not installed ).
Furthermore, I can't find any documentation on what this installer does or did to my computer.
Can anyone explain this situation?