No Dude... My Windows XP Machine had a dynamic Dock!

Obv not like the true Dock... but it was most Definately NOT a BMP background or watever...
to get XP 2 look So Simular meant Hr's of hacking DLL's and exe's 2 convert application icons etc... Then the rest was down 2 Skinning.
Windows Blinds allows you to move the min, max, and Close Glymph's to the left hand side...
Also, look For WindowsFX which Can Do Some transparency and shadows etc.
err... the Dock itself, is Fully Dynamic... Called "AquaDock" a small Download... Merely acts as an application Switching tool... but can look nice. ummm... Also Check out Aqua Finder which acts as a File Browser. Aqua Browser imitates some kind of Mac Browser too... although u can easily Skin IE6 with 3rd party apps like themebar and WebBlinds.
Another app 2 look for is "Desktop X" which can do some cool things.
the iTunes Skin was part of QCD. Also, Quicktime Skins for WMP8 are available.
Also... a small app, which provides the same as "About this Mac" is available. and the Finder Bar, up top is entitled ObjectBar... and is also Dynamic...
the StarDock Apps are shareware... and to get the OS X feel, they need to be purchased, and then Skinned accordingly.
other apps to look for...
WinMac - alternative Finder Bar
Glass2k - Set any window 2 a degree of transparency.
The Hardest PArt... (and most boring!) is resource hacking exe's and dll's... to replace icons etc.
the end result is pretty amazing... in comparison 2 Luna (tellytubby) Blue..