how to install Windows Media Player 9?


I downloaded Windows Media Player 9 for Mac OS X from the Microsoft homepage:

Then, I double-clicked the WindowsMediaInstall.bin file. As a result, I got a new file called Windows Media.sitx. But I don't know what to do with it - if I double-click it, I am prompted to choose an application to open the file with. If I select StuffIt Expander, I am told that "The file "Windows Media.sitx" does not appear to be compressed or encoded. It is advised that you obtain further information about the contents of the file from the sender or provider of the file."

What's wrong?

P.S. I have the latest version of Mac Os X installed on a 12 inch Powerbook
You must get the latest edition of Stuff-it. You can find it through any search engine. I had the same problem and after installing the latest version it worked fine. Hope that helps
