There is a very cool feature in iTunes under Preferences: "Keep iTunes Music folder organized". Check it and iTunes does it all for you: For example, change the name of the album and iTunes changes the name of the folder automatically. Great! This makes it really easy to locate the music files on my hard drive. But what about iPhoto? I noticed that when I import pictures, iPhoto creates folders for the year, the month and the day which correspond to the date of the picture which is found to the bottom left of the displayed picture. Well, this sounds pretty good to me. But what if I change the date? I can do that, certainly, no problem. But don't expect iPhoto to move the picture to the corresponding folder. What's going on? Do I have to wait for iLife '05 and pay another $50? Well, I am really happy with the improved performance of iPhoto which was the only reason why I bought iLife '04 but I also expected Apple to have worked on the organizational side. There is no problem with pictures that I take with my digital camera since they have the correct date but what about the old pictures that I scan. I need to change their date from the scan date to the date when they were taken. If I do this in iPhoto, they will stay in the wrong folder. Is there a shareware that does this or a hidden feature in iPhoto that I could turn on? Another thing that bugs me is that in iTunes I can choose the location where my music files are stored but not in iPhoto. I just have to accept the location that Apple decided on. Any suggestions on this?