how to know the connection's modem info


I'm launching a modem connection by this applescript:

set tel to "1234567"
set usr to "username"
set psw to "password"
set config to "ConfigName"

tell application "Internet Connect" 

connect configuration config to telephone number tel as user usr with password psw

end tell

this launch the Internet Connect but the windows that appear is that of default configuration

is there something to know what number the modem are calling?
Maybe try launching Internet Connect via AppleScript before using the "tell" command... something like:

tell application "Internet Connect" to run
tell application "Internet Connect" connect configuration...
it doesn't work :(

When I was trying I had set "internal modem" as default connection. After i tried to set "ethernet" as default connection but when I launch sript to call a modem connection that is not the default appear an error message like this:

you didn't insert the telephone number.