F fmalloy Registered Sep 30, 2000 #1 From the MacNN OS X forums board: you *CAN* use AirPort from OS X! See: http://forums.macnn.com/cgi-bin/Forum3/HTML/001327.html [Edited by fmalloy on 09-30-2000 at 02:06 PM]
From the MacNN OS X forums board: you *CAN* use AirPort from OS X! See: http://forums.macnn.com/cgi-bin/Forum3/HTML/001327.html [Edited by fmalloy on 09-30-2000 at 02:06 PM]
J jpbjpbjpb UNIX with an Apple GUI - Cool Feb 15, 2001 #2 I have an installer for OSX PB that activates the AirPort. http://osx.ApesSeekingKnowledge.net It's been confirmed to work by people with iBooks & G3 PowerBooks. You have to configure the base station using OS9, unfortunately. jpb
I have an installer for OSX PB that activates the AirPort. http://osx.ApesSeekingKnowledge.net It's been confirmed to work by people with iBooks & G3 PowerBooks. You have to configure the base station using OS9, unfortunately. jpb