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There has to be a way...
There has to be a way...
Reader Adrian Oldham writes:
Hi Guys,
I took delivery of my two new iSights yesterday and discovered something interesting.
I plugged one iSight into my Quicksilver G4 800 which also had a USB 1.1 Kritter Cam plugged in at the same time (the Kritter is driven using IOXperts OSX driver), when I launched iChat and started fiddling with the position of the iSight, I realized that the video stream I was previewing was actually coming from the Kritter.
If I unplug the iSight, iChat stops the video, alerting me to the fact there is no camera available, despite the fact the Kritter is still plugged in.
Now all I can imagine is that iChat is looking for the iSight hardware and when it finds it, iChat picks the first video stream available... and alphabetically that would be my "iRez Kritter".
I have no idea who might be able to make use of this discovery. I hope you can alert someone who may be able to work around Apple's in-built USB limitation in iChat and help all those left out in the cold, clutching their USB cameras.
Then you shouldn't be whining. Nothing forces you to buy an iSight. Heck, I could use my JVC camcorder, or my Canon Ixus which also has video capability. But the iSight is smaller, easier to use on my system (both my Macs are 'Books) and more convenient (though I will agree that, for now, it's over-priced.Again, if you want picture quality (definition and color), any DV camera will DESTROY the precious little iSight in that competition.
So the last thing I want to say is that for those of you wanting the firewire camera, why bother? Seriously, just get a $10 piece of crap and video conference. If you want resolution and picture, don't buy the iSight - for an extra $200 dollars you might as well get a DV camcorder and hook it up. IMHO, why spend all that money on a stationary, one-dimensional camera for something where all you need is a basic picture. iSight is a cute toy, but let's make iChat popular and let everyone use it... what a great way to make PC users switch: by having the easiest, bug free, AOL-IM compatible video conferencing software available on the market!!!
P.S. The quality of my USB camera is pretty amazing, even when I blow up my window size. Again, if you want picture quality (definition and color), any DV camera will DESTROY the precious little iSight in that competition. Although, as noted before, you might as well consider the iBot if its cheap. AGAIN, here are the numbers: USB camera = $15; iBot = $50 (on ebay right now!); iSight = $160 (tax); DV camera = $400.