How to make iPhoto compose for Thunderbird?



I often send pictures to our friends and family. But I find that when I send a number of pictures to my mother who uses MS Outlook Express (on Win ME), she can't see more than the first one or so. But if I use Mozilla with a number of attachments she can see them.

So I was thinking, is there a way to get multiple attachments to work in that direction with Or is there a way to add Thunderbird to iPhoto's list of mail clients?

Mark Patterson
If you are using 10.3.5 then when in Mail, go to Edit-Attachments and make sure there is check mark next to "Always Send Windows Friendly Attachments".
Some ISPs, most notably AOL, only permit one attachment and delete any others. If your mother is an AOL users try making an archive containing all the pictures, and send her the resulting zip file. That would be compatible with both OS X and PCs. In any case the previous suggestion to be sure "send Windows compatible attachments" is a good one.

IPhoto will not recognize multiple eMail clients, but you can change the default email client in Mail > Preferences > General and iPhoto should then use whatever email client you select.
perfessor101 said:
IPhoto will not recognize multiple eMail clients, but you can change the default email client in Mail > Preferences > General and iPhoto should then use whatever email client you select.

But it only has a small fixed list. I was hoping someone might be able to explain a way to fiddle that list in some XML file, or at least explain some protocol that email clients need to conform to.