how to play avi file on Quicktime


When opening AVI in Quicktime, I have this error message

"Some necessary QT software is missing. It may be available on the QT web site. If you have a dial up connection to the internet, make sure it is active, then click the Continue buttong to check for the software"

After clicking to Continue, I will be forwarded to There are few components there, and dont know which one I need.

Any idea for my issue? I am using QT Player version 7.1

sorry, I want to say about free version, not paid one :) Is there any other solution with QT beside of DivX?

Divx is free. You only need to pay if you want to be able to encode your own movies with Divx.
Its outside what you asked, but I would seriously recommend you download VLC for movie playing, if only for the things that QT has trouble with. Its an excellent open source video player, and its freeee!

See it at
adambyte said:
Another solution to your problem might be Flip4Mac. It's free, and works damn well...

But that is just for wmv files not DivX, right?
ora said:
But that is just for wmv files not DivX, right?
No, Flip4Mac does not play Divx. But Flip4Mac can read (some) AVI files that use Windows Media Video, and the original poster didn't specify Divx; he just said it was an AVI file.