how to prevent HDs from moving on desktop?


I have 1.5 terrabytes of hard drive space and each drive is partitioned into 5 separate partitions. everytime i restart the computer i have to organize my drives on the desktop. is there anyway for the drives to stay in the spot i last left them after a shutdown?
I would look at SwitchResX, which remembers locations of icons on the desktop. You can also sort by a number of variables by pressing View -> Show View Options.
01. Select 'Finder's 'View, Show View Option' menu item.
02. Click on the 'Desktop'.
03. If the 'Snap to grid' and / or 'Keep arranged by' check boxes have a check mark - remove the check mark(s).
04. Close the floating window.
Simple workaround: Make aliases of the hard disk icons, and then choose "hide hard disk icons" in the Finder Preferences. Then arrange the alias icons.