How to print from mac os x across win98 pc network



I would like to know how can I share a HP printer cpnnected to a pc win 98 pc network after addin an imac witn mac os X.

for sharin files I know that SBM works fine, but is there any way to share printers ?

This is a repost of another persons response to the same question. I got it working using WINXP but it should work for win 98 too...

Start quote

Well, everything is working now!
I checked for ghostview (special thanks to ladavacm).
Finally I found this:

There is nothing else to say than: follow this instruction and enjoy your shared printer getting accessed by your MacOSX in a Win-Lan!

Ok, for all of you having a colour printer: instead of the Laserjet II NT, how adviced in the site, use Apples Color Laserjet 12/660 PS.

It's working really fine and allows me to print coloured.
It's strange, but I have the feeling the quality of the printout is much better than printings on WinXP!
Guess I am going to do all my printjobs over my ibook!

Again: tnx to ladavacm. Great idea!


End Quote
I have set this up, but have been unable to get it to work. I think the main reason is because Windows XP can share a postscript printer as a Unix postscript printer, whereas that is not the case for Windows ME and down. I should think, if one had Samba installed, that we could get something like this to work:

Print Center->Samba->Shared Fake Postscript Printer->HP

but I haven't found any helpful information regarding this. The closest I have seen is that the person working on the Samba Server Config Tool says it's possible, but it would be a pain.
hi all

as far as I understood, SAMBA is usd to see a mac form a pc so to share printers connected to a macintosh from a pc.

but I need to share a HP connected to a pc from a mac ?

Samba is used so that non-Windows computers can both connect to Windows machines and access their shared printers, and also so that Windows users can connect to non-Windows computers (and their printers, I think). So since Samba runs in MacOS X, it is feasible that we could get this to work. However, it would take someone with more experience with Samba to be able to say how.
does someone share a printer on a network with pc and mac os X ?

is this printer connected to a pc ?

how do u do to print from a mac with mac os X?

Bottom line is this...

You can't share a printer using the normal means of printer sharing in windows... you have to install the Unix LPR printing utilities. I doubt Win 98 has this ability, but 2k and XP do.

Once you enable the LPR printer spool and you share the appropriate printer, your mac will be able to connect to your LPR printer on the Windows box. Keep in mind that you will have to install postscript filters if your printer isn't postscript capable... see my earlier post about how to do that.

I have mine working with a WinXP pro PC acting as the LPR printer host.

It works... so don't give up. My powerbook is printing to my HP Deskjet 841C that is connected to my PC... I had to do the ghostscript thing as my printers aren't postscript capable, if yours is, it should be all that much easier.